9 Oct 2010

KISS Rebreathers is proud to announce the release of their newest diving system, the KISS GEM

The KISS GEM is a recreational diving system, and as the name implies a gas extender, which makes this a semi-closed diving system.  What makes the KISS GEM stand apart from other rebreathers, both semi closed and fully closed, is that it is light weight, very small and economical.

The GEM diving system will allow divers cylinders to last 3 times as long as they do diving open circuit.  And it still gives the benefit of rebreather diving with the warm moist air to breath, no rush of noisy bubbles to scare the fish away, and the benefits of diving enriched air nitrox.

We are having a sneak preview of GEM at the upcoming Eurotek show and releasing it at DEMA 2010.